Çalık Cotton Explores the Future of Sustainable Cotton: A Recap of the Better Cotton-Türkiye Field Trip

As a proud sponsor of the Better Cotton-Türkiye Field Trip, Çalık Cotton was thrilled to see the event return for its second year this October. This exciting three-day event brought together global and local textile brands to explore the future of sustainable cotton production.

The trip offered participants an in-depth look at the cotton journey, from seed to garment. They visited Better Cotton farmers in Sanliurfa, gaining valuable insights into the implementation of the Better Cotton Standard at the farm level and interacting directly with the farmers. Additionally, they toured our very own Çalık Cotton Gin facility, learning about the cotton ginning process and its role in the supply chain.

A highlight of the trip was participating in the World Cotton Day celebrations in Şanlıurfa. Engaging discussions with Turkish Cotton Industry leaders and insightful farmer panels provided participants with a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the cotton industry. Sustainable practices and the future of cotton production in Türkiye were also key topics explored during the event.

The final leg of the journey took participants to our Çalık Denim factory in Malatya. Witnessing every stage of denim production, from raw materials to finished product, was a truly unforgettable experience.

At Çalık Cotton, we are proud to sponsor this valuable event that champions sustainable cotton production. The Better Cotton-Türkiye Field Trip provided participants with an invaluable learning experience, emphasizing the importance of sustainable practices and keeping pace with advancements in the field.