- Clean Water Accessibility
Accessibility to clean water is a human right. We ensure access to clean, safe water sources for every human and we contribute to make this accessibility sustainable. We call all our shareholders for collaboration; for a sustainable world and a sustainable future.
Our Solid Steps We decrease our total water consumption; by 15% per product in conventional cotton manufacture; by 26% in BCI standard cotton manufacture.
Our GoalsPreservation of water resources: We are committed to using our natural resources in the most efficient way. By the year 2025, we aim to decrease our total water consumption by 25%. We observe “water consumption by product” in our sprinkler and basin flooding systems; we take solid steps to decrease our water consumption levels. We encourage farmers who apply surface irrigation to prefer sprinkler systems and micro-irrigation. By the year 2025, we aim to decrease the acreage on which surface irrigation applied, by 25%.
- Usage of Pesticide and Fertilizers
We wholeheartedly contribute to ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being; access to clean water; sustainable responsible consumption and production; addressing climate change and its impacts, preserving our future; sustainably managing forests and addressing desertification; reversing land degradation and preventing bio-diversity loss. We call all our shareholders for collaboration; for a sustainable world and a sustainable future.
Our Solid StepsBetween 2016-2018, we observe 5% increase in synthetic fertilizer usage per product in conventional cotton manufacture; and 4% increase in pesticide usage. As Calik Cotton, we decrease synthetic fertilizer usage in BCI cotton manufacture by 28%; we decrease pesticide usage by 34%.
Our GoalsTWe aim to decrease synthetic fertilizer usage by 25%, being conscious of its adverse impacts on climate change and agricultural production. We aim to decrease pesticide usage by 25%, conscious of its adverse impacts on soil and water quality, human health and first and foremost, farmer workers’ health during the execution.
- Reversing Land Degradation / Preventing Bio-Diversity Loss
We contribute to sustainably managing forests, addressing desertification; reversing land degradation and preventing bio-diversity loss. We call all our shareholders for collaboration; for a sustainable world and a sustainable future.
Our Solid Steps Between 2016-2018, we observe 5% increase in synthetic fertilizer usage per product in conventional cotton manufacture; and 4% increase in pesticide usage. As Calik Cotton, we decrease synthetic fertilizer usage in conventional cotton manufacture by 28%; we decrease pesticide usage by 34%.We contribute to preservation of bio-diversity via 25% decrease we are aiming to have in synthetic fertilizer and pesticide usage. We educate our farmers and raise awareness around topics such as land management, implementation of agrochemicals, prevention of stubble burning.
Our GoalsWe aim to decrease pesticide usage by 25%, aiming to enhance soil and water quality, conscious of its adverse impacts on farmer workers’ health and human health in general.
- Climate Change
We passionately contribute to addressing climate change and its impacts, preserving our future. We call all our shareholders for collaboration; for a sustainable world and a sustainable future.
Our Solid Steps We significantly decrease pesticide usage; we are committed to address climate change and its impacts, consciously working to nurture the world we live in as well as our future. We are implementing roll transport within our logistic processes. We increase fuel efficiency by 64% via transporting 25 tons of product vs. 10 tons in one go. Therefore we reduce our carbon footprint, consciously working to conserve nature and our natural resources.
Our Goals We aim to reduce our carbon emission by 25% in 2025 via attaining electric power for our ginning processes from sustainable resources. We take solid steps to preserve nature and the environment consciously. We support the effluent treatment plant project, which is planned to be constructed Urfa organized industrial zone. We aim to utilize our waste products consciously, envisioning a sustainable world.